Helping leaders solve their biggest challenges
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As a leader, you face big challenges

You have to lead your company through complex challenges. Your investors are expecting growth and your team needs leadership. But all too often, CEOs aren’t given the counsel and support they need to win. 

our offering

We help CEOs lead their companies through big transitions

We’ve been where you are. Whether it’s transitioning from founder leadership to professional management, growing so fast that the wheels are coming off, managing private equity owners, or preparing for an exit, we’ve been there. When we were leading companies, we needed to stress-test ideas and talk through problems with someone we trusted. 

That’s why we built NewBridge. 
How we help

We will work with you on:

Aligning boards, leadership, and teams on the company vision
Leading through periods of extreme growth 
Building a world-class team and culture
Setting strategy and company vision
Establishing a cadence for management responsibilities
Leading during company transformations 
why us

Proven executive and adviser

Rusty Stein founded NewBridge Advisors to provide the same kind of support he wanted when he was leading companies. 

As an executive, Rusty has:
  • Led businesses for founders, financial buyers, and strategic acquirers 

  • Taken a startup from concept to exit 

  • Built teams and company cultures - and turned them around 

  • Raised more than six rounds of financing 

  • Replatformed technology 

  • Navigated multiple exits to private equity and strategic acquirers 

Connect with Rusty on LinkedIn:Click here
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